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Which tectonic plate is India located upon? 
Indian Plate

How much Geographical area is occupied by Bharat?
3,287,263 square kilometres

What is Latitudinal Extent of Bharat?     
8° 4’ North to 37° 6’ North (Approximately between 29 latitudes).

What is Longitudinal Extent of Bharat?  
68°7’ East to 97°25’ East (Approximately between 29 Longitudes)

Which is the Standard Meridian of Bharat?   .
82°30’ East longitude, Passes from Mirzapur near Prayagraj (Allahabad).
(5 Hour 30 mins ahead of Greenwich mean time)

Which place in Bharat’s territory is nearest to equator? 
Indira point -6° 45′ N latitude, in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. (Considering mainland India, it is Kanyakumari or Cape Comorin

Which is the Center Point of Bharat?
Village Karondhi in Katni district of Madhya Pradesh ( 23°30’ 48” north & 80°19’53”  East Longitude)

Which is the Northernmost point of India?
Indira Col in the Siachen Glacier eastern Karakoram range 35°25′16″N 77°06′34″E.

Which is the Southernmost point of India?
Indira point at 6° 45′ N latitude, in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. (Considering mainland India, it is Kanyakumari or Cape Comorin

What is the distance between north and south extremity of India km?

Which is the Easternmost point of India? 
Kibithu (28°17′03″N 97°00′56″E) in Arunachal Pradesh is the Easternmost point of India.

Which is the Westernmost point of India?
 Guhar Mota in the Kutch region of Gujarat (at 23.713°N 68.032°E.)

What is the distance between the two extreme points of Bharat from East to West?
2933 kms.

What is the difference of sunrise time between east and west extremities of Bharat? Approximately two hours

What is the length of land frontiers of Bharat?

With which countries does Bharat share international land boundaries?
Bangla Desh (4096.7 Km), China (3488 km), Pakistan ( 3343 Km ), Nepal (1751 Km), Bhutan (699 Km), Mynmar(1643 Km), Bhutan (699 km ), Afganistan (106 Km)

What is length of coastline of Bharat?
7516.6 Km

How far do Bharat’s territorial waters extend?
Upto 12.2 Nautical miles (22.2 Km) from coastal base line

How much area does India occupy as Exclusive Economic zone ( Maritime)?
2,305,143 km2

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