Most frequent questions and answers

  • Aim of most NGOs is socialization where public service is merely a cosmetic affair which has no deep impact on society. However, Bharat Vikas Parishad is a social organisation where fellowship is only a means to an end and not the end. Activities of the Parishad are comprehensive and aim at multifaceted development of the society combining equally both sanskar and sewa aspects with capacity building of those served.
  • Bharat Vikas Parishad is a service-cum-sanskar oriented non-political socio-cultural family-based voluntary organisation, where both husband and wife join as members to serve the society.
  • The members of the Parishad meet their own expenses while participating in its activities and also contribute towards administrative expenses of the organisation. Funds collected for projects and programmes are kept separately and are spent 100 per cent exclusively for the designated purposes.
  • Parishad lays emphasis on developing the competence of the beneficiaries through their involvement so that they are no longer dependent on charity and lead a dignified and honourable life.


For membership of Bharat Vikas Parishad, you may get in touch with the local branch or with the State General Secretary for information regarding branch nearest to you. Alternatively, you may kindly  write to us indicating your town and contact information and we shall to let you know the branch or the State General Secretary concerned.

For list of district-wise BVP branches in various states click here.

Annual membership subscription may vary from branch to branch. The amount of annual subscription payable by members is decided by each Branch.

Membership in BVP is family based. Thus for children who are students, there is so separate membership fee to be paid.  However, if an adult member of the family wishes to have his own identity, he is welcome to become an independent member on payment of prescribed annual subscription of the branch.

There is no life membership in Bharat Vikas Parishad as the members are expected to be active year after year. Thus the membership is renewed annually.

Donations to Bharat Vikas Parishad are eligible for income tax exemption under section 80-G of Income Tax Act.

“Niti” is in-house publication of Bharat Vikas Parishad and is available to all members without any additional payment.

Persons contributing a sum of Rs. One lakh (or Rs. One lakh fifty thousand in the shape of advertisement to the Parishad) will have the honour of  being called “Vikas Ratna”. Similarly, persons contributing Rs.11,000 are honoured as “Vikas Mitra”.