Chandigarh Diagnostic Centre

Bharat Vikas Parishad Charitable Diagnostic Centre, Chandigarh
The Diagnostic Centre had a very humble beginning in the year 1991 when facilities for simple hematological tests were established inside Indira Holiday Home in an abandoned ‘toy Rail Station’ room of 20’x10’. Since then the Centre has grown gradually into a full fledged diagnostic centre offering multifarious services under one roof.
Donations to the Trust are covered under 80 G of the Income Tax Act and the donors get tax benefit from such donations to the Trust.
PATHOLOGICAL LAB: The Pathological Laboratory is equipped with all the latest equipments which facilitate performing several tests quickly and accurately under the guidance of Dr. Brahmjyot Kaur, MD Pathology. We have also eight full time trained B.Sc. and Diploma in Lab Technology Technician.
We have two fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer of (Merck of Germany) can perform all clinical chemistry tests like Kidney, Liver, Heart function test and electrolytes, Calcium profile, Pancreas Profile etc. at remarkable speed and accuracy. There is also a facility for testing of samples on priority in case of emergency. The analyzer totally eliminates human intervention and provides accurate test results.
The 5-part automated hematology analyzer of Beckman Coulter (Germany) performs a variety of hematological measurements in addition to cell counting, such as Hb concentration, differential leucocytes count, red cell indices, platelets count and indices. It also gives comments about peripheral smear findings, alerts regarding abnormal cells and can also perform reticulocyte count.
The fully automated ELISA reader of Abbott CMIA (Chemiluminescent Microparticle Immuno Assay) performed various immunoassays like Thyroid function tests, HIV, HAV, HCV, Vitamin B12, HbsAg assay, various hormones like LH, FSH, Prolactin, Insulin, Vit-D, Torch, Iron Profile, etc. Accurate and quick results are possible which enables to perform several tests per day.
The fully automated clinical electrophoresis system can perform Hb and protein electrophoresis at a faster rate and facilitates daily reporting.
Apart from these main equipments the lab also has two latest binocular microscope, centrifuges, water bath, digital photo calorimeter and other accessory/ instruments.
CARDIAC CENTRE : The centre is equipped with (1) Vivid S-6 colour Doppler System of Wipro GE Healthcare Ltd. with convex Probe, Micro-convex Probe, Linear Probe and Sector Probe attachments/ accessories for Echocardiography (2) Tread Mill Test equipment (3) Defibrillator (4) Spiro meter for Lung Function Test (5) 12 channel fully automatic self reporting ECG machine, etc. The centre undertakes complete cardio vascular investigation and consultancy by Dr. Anita Sharma , DM Cardiology & Dr. Viney Ved Vyas, MD, Cardiology.
ULTRA-SOUND CENTRE: The Ultrasound centre is equipped with Five Color Doppler Ultrasound Machines like Voluson 4D, two Logic P5 and one Logic F8 of GE Healthcare of USA and Philips Affinite Ultrasound machine with convex Transducer for Abdomen, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Urology and applications with other support facilities which cater to almost 250 patients in a single day. The above ultrasounds and colour Doppler are performed by six well qualified full time MD & DMRD Radiologists named Dr. P. D. Jain, Dr. Neelam Rampal, Dr. S. P. Mimani, Dr. Raman Nijhawan, Dr. Neelam Bhardwaj & Dr. Abhilasha Anand.
CT SCAN CENTRE : We have 16 slice CT Scan machine of Wipro GE Healthcare Ltd in our centre.
DIGITAL X-RAY CENTRE: The Digital X-ray Centre is equipped with dual deductor X-ray machine and Mammography machine for detection of breast cancer among ladies. The X-ray output is fully digitized which results in clear and accurate images helping better diagnosis.
MRI SCAN: We are providing MRI services on 1.5 texla machine of GE Healthcare Ltd.
DENTAL CARE CENTRE: The Dental care centre is equipped with three Dental Chairs for all types of dental treatment. The centre is also has intra oral Camera, RVG machine & digital OPG machine for instant dental X-rays. The Dental services are provided by well trained doctors named Dr. Bhavneet Dhillon, Dr. Rupali Mahajan, Dr. Chanpreet Singh, Dr. Tahira Bawa and Dr. Abhinav Chopra.
EYE CENTRE: The addition to the centre is the ‘eye hospital’ with facilities for various eye treatment and surgical interventions. With daily average of 80 patients. The eye OPD is equipped with Slit Lamp, Gonioscoopy, Biometry, Topography equipments. Eye centre has made a name for itself in treatment of corneal ailments, including C3R Cataract Surgery with latest no-stitch technique.
The Government of India has approved our centre for Corneal Transplant (Karatoplasty) since 2010 and so far 350 eyes have been utilized. The Government of India also accorded its approval for setting up of an eye Bank. A fully equipped Eye Bank including Specular Microscope and Laminar flow work bench have been functioning since 2011. Round the clock response team with a dedicated ambulance van is kept ready for collection of donor eyes.
The centre has also facilities for treatment of posterior segment disease with the help of FFA and OCT. Also we are well equipped for diagnosis and treatment of Glaucoma and Low Vision Aid services are available at the centre. The Eye services are provided by Dr. Sujata Dwivedi (Cornea Specialist), Dr. Sunandan Sood (Retina), Dr. Vikran Sharma (Retina), Dr. Komaldeep Kaur (Glucoma and Oculoplasty) & Dr. Ashutosh Sharma (Anesthetic).
The Trust also undertakes the following further activities as permanent projects:
Betia Project : Under the project girl students of Government schools mostly located near colonies and slum areas are issued identity Cards with photographs through their schools, which entitles them for free medical services at the centre, till they leave school after X Standard. If and when any student drops out of the school, the facility automatically stops. So far around 2000 girls students have been issued ID Cards for the purpose.
Mass Marriage Project : Every year we are doing mass marriages of more than 25 couples belongs to poor family and backward class couples of tricity i.e. Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali since 2005.
Silai Center : We are running a silai center under the skill development programme at Radha Kishan Mandir, Sector 40 A, Chandigarh and more than 50 girls of poor and backward classes benefited every year since 2008.
Bal Vikas Kendra: We are running three bal vikas Kendra in govt. high school Palsora, Kajheri and Dadumajra since 2005 and more than 200 students benefited every year.
The inmates of Old Age Home, Children adopted by NGO Theater Age, Pingalwara Society, Student of Budhist School and Navodaya Vidyalaya, are provided with free medical assistance by the centre. Under the Free Medical Service Scheme total amount spend Rs. 7.17 lakhs in the year 2019-20.
Mobile Diagnostic Lab: Under the project Nar Sewa Narayan Sewa, Bharat Vikas Parishad Charitable Medical Centre will run a free mobile Diagnostic Lab for construction workers at their work place in Chandigarh. The Centre is providing free ECG & free Lab tests (Blood, urine & stool) in our mobile Diagnostic Lab. This is the joint project of Labour Department Chandigarh and Bharat Vikas Parishad Chandigarh.
Patients Benefited Over the Years
Year | Patients | Year | Patients | Year | Patients |
1997-98 | 4087 | 2006-07 | 98810 | 2015-16 | 395000 |
1998-99 | 5674 | 2007-08 | 101300 | 2016-17 | 414000 |
1999-00 | 9698 | 2008-09 | 129600 | 2017-18 | 429800 |
2000-01 | 19120 | 2009-10 | 153500 | 2018-19 | 430680 |
2001-02 | 25177 | 2010-11 | 183000 | 2019-20 | 473750 |
2002-03 | 30650 | 2011-12 | 210000 | 2020-21 | 290680 |
2003-04 | 48498 | 2012-13 | 245000 | 2021-22 | 427370 |
2004-05 | 61262 | 2013-14 | 305000 | 2022-23 | 480150 |
2005-06 | 74794 | 2014-15 | 355000 |