Seminars in Young and Energetic India
Prof. Satya Prakash Tiwari, Ex.National Working President

Young and Energetic India
India is emerging as world power. It is a nuclear power and in a position to have controlled nuclear devices. It has largest scientific and technical manpower in the world, competitive space technology and getting ready to land on moon. The country is nuclear in sea and part of
Antarctica mission and it is leading in information technology and soft ware industry. Industrial sector is growing exponentially, buying leading industries and developing most innovative technology for passenger car. Education Sector is expanding to reach to every one. There is revolution in connectivity through television, telephone, mobile, e-mail, internet, roads, trains and air flights. Medical facilities are expanding and there is modern outlook in life style. Overall there is boom in Economy. There is no more suppression and 70% population of India is young.
Spiritual Superiority
Our national prosperity is spreading our Spiritual Knowledge. World bodies are accepting the Ayurvedic herbal treatment. Yog Vidya is becoming popular. Fine arts, music and dance are being appreciated and respected. Veds and Upnishads are being adopted. Indian market is attracting Hindi learning. Modern science is converging to Indian philosophy and Indian minds are consistently proving their superiority in all walks of life. In conclusion, if Einstein gave the mass energy relation for technological revolution, Gandhi gave the message of Truth and Non-Violence for universal peace and prosperity.
Alienation of Young Educated
The young educated is unaware of ancient language Sanskrit, Rashtra Bhasa Hindi and even their own mother tongue. They are educated through English and in English style where the facts are distorted by English authors due to their incomplete knowledge and self-interest. They know little about Ved, Upnishad, Ramayana, Mahabharat, Geetanjali, other great epics of all time and glorious past of India. Their knowledge of Indian Mathematics, Science, Medicine, Agriculture, Philosophy, Music and Dance is limited. The life in USA and UK is their role model and they hesitate to say that they are proud Indians. They lack the courage, self-confidence and to some extent they appear intellectually subjugated perhaps due to historical reasons.
Here it is important to mention that Mahatma Gandhi held the view that western civilization is founded in a false view of universe and man’s role in it. This falsehood at the core had corrupted all its products including its science and technology. He further emphasized that Indian Civilization was founded in truth. Its basic principles, its fundamental moral and social order were sound. It has within itself all the necessary resources to overcome the temporary moral, social and material weaknesses that India was then suffering from. Indians have nothing to learn from west, they only needed to become better Indians, better and more faithful practitioners of moral, social and material discipline that Indian civilization has long taught them.
Professor M.M.Joshi in his recent book “Science, Sustainability and Indian National Resurgence” has further reinforced the above views. He says that we have to change our mind set and start thinking and acting towards developing a new model, based on sustainable consumption to replace the current economic model that is based on a mechanistic and fragmentary world view and is propelled by market forces alone.
The concept of sustainable consumption lifts the environmental arguments to the plain of ethics and morality, to the plain where Indian civilization seeks to regulate and discipline material culture of which science and technology form an integral part, the plain at which Mahatma Gandhi formulated his response to the west.
The learned founders of Bharat Vikas Parishad Dr. Suraj Prakash and Lala Hans Raj have also propagated the same views.
Seminar Programme
Base on discussions I had with our colleagues, following consolidated views are presented for resurging and strengthening BHARTYA SANSKAR in this Scientific and Technological Era. These suggestions for Seminar Subjects are comprehended in three groups:
(A) Economy (B) Science and Technology (C) Social Harmony.
The aim of seminar is set two fold:
(A) To reinforce “BHARTYA SANSKAR” in the educated and intellectuals of society.
(B) To convince the young mind that you are (SHRESHTHA BHARTIYA NAGRIC) great citizen of India.
You are the blessed one that you are born and brought up on this great piece of land in this planet.
Considering the suggestions received from different Regions, the following subjects are suggested for seminars:
(a) Elimination of Female Fetus (Kanya Bhrun Hatya),
(b) Territorial Terror
(c) Modern Technology and Indian Culture
(d) What Ails Indian Economy,
(e) Family Health Care and Medical Science
(f) Boarder Security and Demographic Changes
(g) Water Preservation,
(h) Social Harmony,
(i) Indian Financial Institutions.
(j) Thoughts of Adi Guru Shankacharya and Modern Science,
(k) Impact of Movies and Alcohol on Young Generation,
(l) Societal Terrorism
(A) Intellectuals of Society: Teachers, Advocates, Doctors, Engineers, Chartered a/c. Journalist, Authors, Artists and other intellectual groups of society
(B) Young college/University students: Graduates, Postgraduates, Research Scholars Professional Graduates: Medical, Engineering, Polytechnics, Computers, Business Law, Pharmacists and other professional graduates
Seminar Venue
College and University Campuses.
Nature of Seminars
(a) Samman Samaroh:
>Samman and Lecture of an Eminent Religious, Social or Intellectual leader
>Open to all sections of society
>Preferably hold on holiday evening
>Target: large gathering
(b) Two Hour Seminar Program:
>Series of two lectures by two eminent speakers
> Preferably in the evening of working day
>In the campus of Educational Institute
>Target: large number of students and teachers
At least ONE programs in 3 to 5 cities in each Prant each year.
(The above program is minimum one. Branches must continue other existing seminar programs)
Preferably in the months of October, November and December
Approximately Rs 20,000/= for each Prant (may vary).
Effort should be made to have a written manuscript of about 1200 words from the speakers. If not possible, short hand writer/tape recorder may be used to record the lecture. It can be typed, edited, and the manuscript be approved by the speaker. If the written material is interesting, the center may arrange for its publication and circulation.
Each Prant may constitute a committee to take up the responsibility of seminars. The Seminar should start with (a) Deep Prajwaln (b) Rashtra Geet (c) Brief introduction of Bharat Vikas Parishad (d) Brief introduction of Speakers (e) At the End Rashtra Gan. Arrangements for Coffee/ Tea or any other refreshment may be made as per situation after the lecture.