Bharat Ko Jano Q&A – English 43

Swami Vivekananda
1. When was Swami Vivekananda born?
January 12, 1863.
2. Where was Swami Vivekananda born?
3. Who were Swami Vivekananda’s parents?
Smt. Bhuvneshwari Devi & Sh. Vishwanath Dutt.
4. What was the profession of Swami Vivekananda’s father?
He was Attorney at Calcutta High Court.
5. Name the grandfather of Swami Vivekananda?
Shri Durga Charan Dutt.
6. State the chief event in the life of Shri Durga Charan Dutt?
After the birth of his son Vishwanath, he renounced the world and became a Monk.
7. Swamiji was born after offerings to whom at Varanasi?
Vireshwar Shiva.
8. What influence Swamiji bore from his mother?
Attraction towards religion and monks and sympathy for poors.
9. What did Swamiji learn from his father?
Tolerance and rational mind.
10. What was the childhood name of Swami Vivekananda?
Narendra Nath
11. From where his studies started?
At home through a Private Teacher.
12. From which school Swami Vivekananda started his studies?
From Metropolitan Institute of Shri Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar in 1871.
13. When was his early education interrupted and why?
1877 to 1879 due to his illness.
14. What were the achievements of Swami Vivekananda during these 2 years at Raipur?
At Raipur, he regained his health, practised wrestling and learned Hindi and acquired spiritual knowledge in the company of Scholars.
15. Which city is termed as Spiritual birth place of Swamiji?
16. Where was Swamiji admitted on return from Raipur?
Scottish Church College, Calcutta
17. To which extent Swamji studied at Scottish Church College?
He passed F.A. in 1881 and B.A. in 1884
18. What were his main subjects at Scottish Church College?
Western Logic, Western Philosophy and History of European Nations.
19. In which languages Swamiji excelled?
Sanskrit, English and Bangla
20. Which scriptures Swamiji studied thoroughly?
Vedas, Upnishads, Purans, Bhagwadgeeta, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Quran, Bible etc.
21. What was the opinion of professors of Scottish Church College Narendra Nath ?
According to them , he was a prodigy.
22. What did Dr. William Hastie, Principal of Scottish Church College say about Swamiji?
He quoted, “I have travelled far and wide but have never come across a lad of his talents”.
23. Describe the achievements of young Swamiji other than studies and yoga?
He was a good wrestler, boxer, good player of cricket and a classical musician.
24. Who were his music teachers?
Ustad Beni Gupta and Ustad Ahmed Khan.
25. To which socio-religious movement Swamiji was associated in the beginning?
Brahma Samaj
26. From whom Swamiji took his training of Yoga?
Maharishi Devendra Nath.
27. Who was the Guru of Swami Vivekanand?
Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans.
28. Who was the first teacher to tell about Shri Ramkrishna to Vivekananda?
The Principal, Dr. William Hastie.
29. To understand the meaning of which word in the poem “The Excursion’ by Wordsworth, Dr. Hastie advised Swamiji to meet Ram Krishna?
30. Where did Swamiji meet his Guru for the first time?
In 1881, at the house of his neighbour, Surendra Nath Mitra
31. One of the relatives of Swamiji advised him to meet Shri Ramakrishna. Who was he?
Ram Chandra Dutt.
32. What did Swamiji think about Shri Ramkrishna on their first meeting?
He considered him an ordinary person.
33. What did Shri Ram Krishna think of Swamiji on their first meeting?
Shri Ram Krishna realized that he was a talented youth, fully capable of being his best disciple.
34. What was the first question Swamiji asked Shri Ram Krishna?
‘Sir, have you seen God?’
35. What did Shri Ram Krishna reply?
‘Yes as clearly as I am seeing you’
36. How long Swamiji remained in association with Shri Ramkrishna Paramahans?
About six years.
37. What prompted Swamiji to remain in association with Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans inspite of his initial differences of views?
Swamiji got mesmerized by the simple behavior, patience and affection of Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans towards him.
38. What was the ultimate result of the long association with Ramkrishna?
Swamiji accepted Sh. Ram Krishna as his Guru whole-heartedly.
39. What did Ramkrishna demand Vivekananda during his final days?
He asked Vivekananda to take care of his other disciples and lead them.
40. Where did Swamiji and other disciples establish the first Monastery after the death of Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans?
In 1886, at Baranagar.
41. What troubles Swamiji came across after passing his graduation?
His father expired suddenly,their family became bankrupt and had no means of income.
42. What did Swamiji think to overcome this difficulty?
He asked his Guru to pray Maa Kali to help him.
43. What was the reply of Shri Ram Krishna?
He told Swamiji to ask Her himself whatever he wanted.
44. Swamiji was sent by Shri Ram Krishna at Dakshineshwar temple to ask mother Kali for wealth and welfare of his family, but what did he pray for?
Knowledge and devotion.
45. What did Swamiji desire after he accepted Shri Ramkrishna as Guru?
Swamiji asked him that he might be blessed with “Nirvikalp Samadhi”.
46. When was Swamiji converted to a Sanyasi?
In 1887 at Baranagar.
47. When did Swamiji start travelling as a wandering monk?
In 1888
48. What were the things in possession of Swamiji as a wandering monk?
A Kamandal, Staff, Clothes and two books – Bhagwad Gita and Immitation of Christ.
49. For how long Swamiji wandered in the country?
About 5 years.
50. From where Swamiji startred his travelling?
51. Name the learned person whom Swamiji met at Varanasi and who gave advices on interpretation of Hindu scriptures?
Babu Pramadadas Mitra.
52. Who was the first disciple of Swamiji?
Sh. Sarath Chand Gupta who became famous by the name of Sadanand.
53. Name the famous saint who met Swamiji at Gazipur?
Famous Advait Vedanti Pavhari Baba.
54. What was the main achievement of Swamiji from association with Pavhari Baba?
He decided to propogate religion.
55. When did Swamiji meet Pavahari Baba?
In 1890.
56. What experience did Swamiji have on travelling amidst Himalayas?
He reportedly had a vision of macrocosm and microcosm there.
57. Where Swamiji met the King of Khetri, Sh. Ajit Singh who became his ardent devotee?
In 1890, at Mount Abu.
58. Who gave the idea to go to the West to preach Vedanta for the first time?
Thakur Jaswant Singh of Limbdi.
59. When and where Swamiji met Tilak and Govind Mahadev Ranade?
In the train from Bombay to Goa in 1892.
60. When did Swamiji reach Kanyakumari?
In December 1892.
61. What was his main achievement at Kanayakumari?
He resolved to work for upliftment of masses.
62. What is the name of resolution Swamiji made at the rock South of Kanayakumari?
Kanayakumari Resolution of 1892
63. It is said that Swamiji had a symbolic dream in which Shri Ram Krishna walked out into the sea and beckoned him to follow. Ma Sharda Devi had a similar illusion. How did Swamiji take these events?
Swamiji decided to go abroad.
64. What opportunity Swamiji had to go to West?
Disciples requested him to attend Parliament of religions at Chicago as Bharatiyas representative.
65. When did Swamiji start his first foreign trip?
May 31, 1893
66. What did he realize on reaching Chicago?
He came to know that the dates of the meeting have changed and no one could become a delegate without credentials. Further the date for registeration has been expired.
67. Who helped Swamiji at that juncture?
Catherine Sanborn of Boston.
68. Who provided letter of introduction to Swamiji on rquest of Catherine Sanborn?
Prof. Henry Wright of Horward University.
69. What did John Wright write in the introduction letter?
Dr. Wright wrote – “Here is a man who is more learned than all our learned professors put together.”
70. Who helped Swamiji when he reached Chicago again but lost address of organizers and spent the night without food and shelter?
Mrs. George Hale.
71. Whose house became the permanent address of Swamiji at America?
Mrs. Hale.
72. When was Parliament of religions started?
September 11, 1893.
73. How did Swamiji address the gathering in his first lecture at parliament of religions?
Sisters and brothers of America, immediately there was a thunderous applause from the vast audience.
74. What was the gist of swamiji’s first address to the meeting?
The goal of all religions is the same, the paths followed are different.
75. Who made the following comment on swamiji’s lecture at world parliament of religions, “India, the mother of all religions was represented by Swami Vivekananda who exercised the most wonderful influence over his auditors?”
Dr. Barrows, president of parliament.
76. Which newspaper made the following comment? “He is an orator by divine right and his strong intelligent face in its picturesque setting of yellow and orange was hardly less interesting than the words which he uttered.”
New York Critique, Amrican Newspaper
77. Who made the following comment on swamiji’s address
“Vivekanand is undoubtedly the greatest figure in in Partiament of Religions. After hearing him we feel how foolish it is to send missionaries to this learned nation?”
Newyork Herald.
78. When parliament of religions ended?
27th September, 1893.
79. What was the gist of his lectures?
Swamiji said “ I have not come to convert you to a new belief. I want you to perform better in the religion that you follow.
80. Which period out of his first vist to America Swamiji considered the happiest?
June-July 1895, when he conducted private lectures to a dozen of his disciples at the Thousands Island Park.
81. Which institution swamijl founded in Newyork?
Vedant Society.
82. When did he go to England during his first foreign trip?
Twice in 1895 and 1896.
83. Where he met sister Nivedita?
In England.
84. Where and when swamiji met famous indologist Max Muller?
At oxford university, on May 28,1896.
85. How did swamiji help Max Muller?
He supplied material on Shri Ram Krishna to write his biography.
86. In the form of which book the lecturers of swamiji in America were published?
87. Which book of the lectures of swamiji was published in England?
88. What assignment was offered to swamiji by Harward and Columbia universities?
Both offered chair of Eastern Philosphy to him.
89. What did swamiji say declining these offers?
As a wandering monk, it was not possible for him to do such jobs.
90. Name the magazine started from Madras in 1895 with the financial help provided by swamiji? Brahmvadin.
91. Who recorded the lectures of Swamiji in America?
Shri. J.J Goodwin, steno, who became his disciple.
92. During his first visit to west, Mr. J.N. Tata was his co-traveller, What Swamiji urged to him?
He urged Mr.J.N.Tata to start an institution in India for higher studies in Science.
93. What J.N.Tata urged Swamiji after he decided to establish research institute of sciences?
To head this Institution.
94. For how long was Swamiji’s first trip to west?
About 4 years.
95. When did Swamiji return to Bharat after his first foreign trip?
Starting in December 1896 he reached India in January 1897.
96. Who were the main deciples with Swamiji on his return from foreign?
Sister Nivedita, Mrs. & Mr. Sevier, J.J. Goodwin, and Miss Muller.
97. Name the collections of his lecture while returning from abroad to Bharat?
Lectures from Colombo to Almora.
98. When did Swamiji establish Ram Krishan Mission?
May 1897
99. When was Bellur Muth constructed?
100. When did Swamiji travell to Amarnath?
July 1898.
101. What did swamiji experience at Amarnath?
It is said that LordShiva himself appeared before him.
102. What did sister Nivedita do in Bharat ?
She worked for the upliftment of women.
103. Who fulfilled swamiji ‘s dream to start a muth amidst Himalayas?
Mrs. and Mr. Sevier.
104. What was the name of the Muth?
Adwait Ashram
105. Where is Adwait Ashrsam situated?
Mayavati, Almora.
106. Name the magazine published from Adwait Ashram?
Prabudh Bharat (English) & Udbodhan (Bengali).
107. When and where he travelled to establish harmony between the Arya Samajis and Sanatinis?
Punjab in May 1897.
108. Where did he give suggestions to rooting out antagonism between Aryasamajists & Muslims?
109. Where did he meet Teerath Ram Goswami, a well known mathematician who later preached vedant in Bharat and abroad as Swami Ram Tirth?
Lahore in 1897.
110. What is the important teaching of Shri Ram Krishna according to swamiji?
Jiva is Shiva (each individual is divinity itself.)
111. On what principle is Ram Krishan Mission established?
Mokshartham Jagat Hitaya Cha (For ones own salvation and for the welfare of the world).
112. When did Swamiji go to West again?
On June 20,1899
113. Who accompanied him in this journey?
Sister Nivedita&Swami Turyanand
114. Which institute Swamiji founded in California?
Shanti Ashram(Peace retreat)
115. Who was given the charge of Shanti Ashram?
Swami Turyanand.
116. When and where the Congress of History of Religions held?
August,1900 at Paris
117. When did Swamiji return from the second visit of West?
In December,1900.
118. What was the reason of his sudden return?
He had a premonition of Capt.Sevier’s death.
119. When did he travell with his mother for pilgrimage?
In 1901.
120. When was Swamiji gone to eternal Sleep?
On July 4,1902
121. Where did he die?
At Belur Muth
122. Where is Vivekanad Rock Memorial situated?
About 2 furlong south of Kanyakumari.
123. Who got built the Vivekananda Rock Memorial?
Eknath Ranade.
124. Who is an atheist according to Swamiji?
One who does not believe in himself.
125. What is Science according to Swamiji?
Science is nothing but finding of Unity.
126. Name the books by Swamiji on Yoga?
Rajyoga, Karm Yoga, Gyan Yog & Bhakti Yoga.
127. Who said the following regarding Swamiji Vivekananda saved Hinduism, saved India?”
C. Rajgopalachari.
128. Who said the following about Swamiji “Vivekananda’s influence increased my love for my country a thousand fold?”
Mahatma Gandhi.
129. “Behold, Vivekananda still lives in the soul of his Mother and in the souls of Her children” whose comments are these about Swamiji?
Aurbindo Ghosh.
130. Who said the following about Swamiji “His words are great music, phrases in the style of Beelhoven, stirring rythem. I can not touch these sayings of his, without receiving a thrill through my body like an electric shock?”
Romain Rolland.
131. Who wrote the following about Swamiji “If you want to know India, read Vivekanand, in him everything is positive and nothing is negative?”
Ravindra Nath Tagore.
132. Who said the following about Swamiji “this new Sankaracharya may well he claimed to the unifier of Hindu Ideology?
Sardar K.M. Pannikkar.
133. Who said the following about Swamiji “Vivekananda is the maker of modern India. Swamiji harmonized the East and West. religion and Science, past and present. Our countrymen have gained unprecedented self-respect, self-reliance and self-assertion form his teachings?
Subhash Chandra Bose.
134. Who said the following regarding Swamiji “Rooted in the past, full of pride in India’s prestige, Vivekananda was yet modern in his approach to life’s problems. He came as a tonic to the depressed and demoralized Hindu mind.”
Jawahar Lal Nehru.
135. Whose comments are as follows for Swamiji “A maganetic personality and a divine force which were destined to leave their mark on history of his country?
Sir K. Shesadri Minister of Mysore state.
136. What was the name given to Swamiji by his mother at the time of his birth.
137. When was he named Narendra Nath?
At the time of his naming ceremony.
138. Who advised him to take Vivekananda as his name?
King of Khetri, Ajit Singh
139. When his name was changed as Vivekananda?
At the time of his first departure to West.
140. When and where did Swamiji give his speech on public platform?
13 Feb., 1893, At Sikandrabad, Andhra Pradesh.
141. At which place the Parliament of Religions held in Chicago?
Art Institute of Chicago
142. Where Swamiji took teaching job for some time?
In the school of Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar
143. What does William James professor of Harward University say about Swamiji?
He was a paragon of Vedantis.
144. Who said the following about Swamiji “Vivekananda is one of the very greatest figures that India has ever produced. When one sees the full range of his mind, one is astounded.”
Christopher Isherwood.
145. Who said the following for Swamiji “It may be said that when he began to speak, it was the religious ideas of Hindus, but when he ended Hinduism had been created?”
Sister Nivedita
146. Whose words are the following with regard to Swamiji. “In centuries to come he will be remembered as one of the main moulders of the modern world?”
A.L. Basham, eminent British Historian.
147. What is education according to Swamiji?
Education is menifestation of the perfection already in man.
148. In which reference Swamiji once said the following. “It may be that I shall find it good to get outside my body to caste it off like a worn out garment. But I shall not cease to work?”
Regarding his death.a