Profiles: Others While at Centre

Shri Shyam Lal Sharma
Born: 06 June, 1954 in a farmer family in a small village. Took primary education in village itself and middle school education in a nearby town 3 Km. away from village. Secondary education was completed from Kota (Rajasthan) with toping the school. Did B.E.(Hons.) Electrical and Electronics from Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) PILANI in 1976-77. Good player of Kabaddi and Volleyball. Represented University thrice in Kabaddi and once captained the University Team.
Served Rajasthan Government for 31 years and took voluntary retirement as Executive Engineer in 2009. Has been active in social and cultural activities from his school days and joined Bharat Vikas Parishad in 1988. Started Bharat Vikas Parishad in Kota as founder Secretary in 1989. Established Bharat Vikas Parishad Seva Sansthan (BVPSS) Kota in 1992 as Founder Secretary of BVPSS. Its hospital commenced functioning from December 1995. Was Sanyojak of BVP National Conference held in December 1995, still remembered by the participants till now.
BVP Hospital is now 350 bedded multi-specialty hospital treating lacs of people every year – having about 70 highly qualified doctors and about 450 other staff. On 27th April 2018 a new Project “Bharat Vikas Parishad Institute of Medical Sciences” (BVIMS) was launched and serving as its Founder Chairman.
Worked as Chairman Sampark during 2017-18 and as National Vice President (HQ) during 2018-20 and National Secretary General from April, 2020 to March 2024

Dr. Suresh Chandra Gupta
Born: 16 September, 1946. Completed his Graduation and Post Graduation from Allahabad University. He did his PhD in Geography from Kanpur University. He joined B.V.P G College Farrukhabad, affiliated to Kanpur University as Lecturer in Geography. He served in the college for 39 year up to 2009. Married to Smt Manorama Gupta, he is blessed with three sons – Sanjay, Ajay and Vijay. All the sons are married living with their families and are placed in honourable jobs at Ghaziabad and one in Farrukhabad.
Shri Gupta has been active in social and cultural activities from his school days and worked in various capacities. In 1982 he was given the responsibility to expand BVP. He started many branches in U P. His main field of work is man making. He worked as All India Secretary for U P Region and National Convener Vikas Week. At the BVP Headquarters, he worked as National Vice President (Head Quarters) and also held additional responsibility of Editor Niti during 2016-18. During 2018-20 he worked as National President.

Shri Ajay Dutta
Born : 15th December,1955. MBA Finance and Graduate from Delhi University; Retd. as Senior Account Officer from Central Government.
In Bharat Vikas Parishad held various responsibilities including Prantiya General Secretary Punjab East (2002-04), Zonal Secretary Zone-I (2004-2008), National Secretary Vistar Karya (2008-2013), National Additional Secretary General (2013-15). From February 2015 to March 2020 he worked as National National Secretary General.
He has also been nominated as Councillor to the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation by the UT Administrator (2017).

Shri Om Prakash Kanoongo
Born : 9th August,1949. He is practicing Chartered Accountant (CA) in Mumbai since 1972. He has been Chairman of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (Western India Region), Director, Vice Chairman and later Chairman of Malad Sahakari Bank. He is a Founder member of Khandelwal Professional Association (KPA) and has been an active member on its Executive Body since the beginning (2004). He and his brothers have donated substantial amount to the KPA Education Fund in the name of their living parents “Smt. Mohini Devi and Shyam Sunder Kanoongo”.
He has been actively associated with Bharat Vikas Parishad since 1995. Starting as General Secretary of Maharashtra Coastal Prant, served as All India Secretary (Western Zone), All India Secretary (Guru Vandan Chhatra Abhinandan, a Project which was conceived and started by him), National Additional Secretary General and later as National Auditor General during 2008-16. He worked as National Finance Secretary from April, 2016 to March, 2020. He is Vikas Mitra as well as Vikas Ratna.

Shri Surinder Kumar Wadhwa
Born : 16th April, 1949. After completing his graduation in B.Sc., he was awarded LL.B. in 1975 by the Delhi University. As a renowned practicing tax lawyer, he has held the post of Secretary of the Asia’s biggest Sales Tax Bar Association (Regd.)
He has been active in social and cultural activities from his school days. Joined the Parishad in the year 1975 and was appointed Additional Secretary Delhi State in 1992. At the All India level, he was assigned the responsibility of National Secretary in 1993 and later as National Zonal Secretary and subsequently as National Secretary. He has also contributed as Editor of Niti. Elected as National Finance Secretary in 2001-02, he served for four years. Thereafter, he served as National Additional Secretary General, National Organising Secretary and National Working President.
He initiated the idea of launching the scheme of ‘Vikas Mitra’ and thereafter the scheme of ‘Vikas Ratna’. Both these schemes have contributed significantly towards the Corpus Fund created for natural calamities and financial assistance for permanent projects. He also held the post of National Secretary General from April, 2010 to March, 2014 and National Working President from April 2014 to March 2016. Worked as National Vice President (North) during 2016-20.

Dr. Keshav Dutt Gupta
Born: 24th March,1957. एम.एस.सी., मास्टर ऑफ बिजनेस एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन, वनस्पति विज्ञान में पी.एच.डी. से सम्मानित. वर्तमान में आप आगरा के चेतक पुरम सिकंदरा में अपनी केमिकल इंडस्ट्री तथा शू-ब्लिज एवं फुकासो रिटेल (ई-बिजनेस) चला रहे हैं। आपके बेटे अंकित दत्त आई.आई.टी. रुड़की है। एक बेटी डॉ. नेहा अग्रवाल एम.डी. एनेस्थेसिया है।
1982 में सदस्य बने। 30 सितम्बर, 1984 को भारत विकास परिषद् की नई शाखा (जो परिषद् की 50वीं शाखा थी) की शुरुआत करते हुए संस्थापक सचिव बने। आपने फिरोजपुर, शिकोहाबाद, सिरसागंज, अलीगढ़, डिबाई, मथुरा, वृन्दावन, हाथरस और एटा आदि में कई नई शाखाओं की शुरुआत कराई। 1986 में आपको गवर्निंग बोर्ड के विशेष आमंत्रित सदस्य के रूप में नामित किया गया। आपने शाखा में विभिन्न पदों के लिए काम किया। आप 1997 में ब्रज प्रान्त के महासचिव के रूप में चुने गए। उसके बाद आपने 4 वर्षो के लिए क्षेत्रीय संगठन मंत्री के रूप में, 2 साल के लिए राष्ट्रीय मंत्री, 4 साल के लिए राष्ट्रीय संयुक्त संगठन मंत्री, 4 साल के लिए राष्ट्रीय मंत्री, 4 साल के लिए राष्ट्रीय संयुक्त महामंत्री, 2 साल के लिए राष्ट्रीय संयुक्त वित्त मंत्री एवं वर्ष अप्रैल 2016 से मार्च 2020 तक राष्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष रहे।
इसके अतिरिक्त सरस्वती शिशु मंदिर में उपाध्यक्ष, आगरा कैमीकल एसोसिएशन में महामंत्री, हैल्प आगरा कार्यकारिणी सदस्य, नेशनल चैम्बर ऑफ कामर्स एंड इण्डस्ट्रीज में सदस्य के रूप में कार्य कर रहे हैं।

Shri Shanti Lal Panagaria
Born: 21 November, 1946; B.E. (MECH.); Chairman and Managing Director, Subh Laxmi Syntex Ltd. Bhilwara; Married to Asha Devi.
Joined Parishad in 1992; Branch President: 1994 to 1998; Branch Patron : 1998 to 2000; First Prant President : Rajasthan South Prant 2000 to 2004; First Prant Patron: Rajasthan South Prant 2004 to 2008; First Zonal Chairman: Zone 11- 2008 to 2012; First Zonal Patron : Zone 11 – 2012 to 2016; National Vice President from April 2018 to March, 2020.

Shri Ajit Ramanlal Shah
Born: 16 November, 1956; B. Com, Diploma in Advertising & Marketing, L L B Part 1. From 1980 started business in advertising field. Today “Ajit Ads” is Gujarat’s No. 1 advertising agency. Married to Varshaben Ajitbhai Shah.
He has been active in social and cultural activities from his school days. He is associated with many social & religious originations like Vice President: Hindu Spiritual & Service Foundation-Gujarat, President: Ahmedabad Advertising Circle Association, President: Shri Chintamani Parshavnath Yuvak Mandal, Committee Member : Jain International Tread Organision. He is also working as Trustees in many trusts: Bharat Vikas Parishad-Gujarat, Ahmedabad Advertising Circle Association, The Betalisa Visa Gynati Trust – Amdavad, Shri Parshwa Puram Trust, Shri Rushikesh Ramani Trust.
Joined the Parishad at Ahmedabad (Gujarat) in the year 1981 and worked as Branch Secretary, State Secretary, National Zonal Secretary and presently working as National Vice President (West) from April, 2016 to March, 2020.

Shri Ramesh Chander Jain
Born: 25 May, 1956; Builder and Real Estate Business; Married to Lakshmi Jain.
Joined as member in 1989 at Anakapalli (AP) from there given responsibility as Convener Vanvasi Kalyan Yojana. Chairman for N.G.S.C. (AP) Branch Sec; President, State Treasurer, State President (AP), Conducted All India National Group Song Competition at Vizag with 900 participants in his leadership in the year 2009. Also held responsibility as Zonal Secretary, Zonal Chairman, National Addl Secretary General of South Region. Presently working as National Vice President (South) from April, 2018 to March, 2020.

Shri Sita Ram Pareek
Born: 5th November,1951. Completed Graduation (B. Com) in the year 1971 from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur and came to Mumbai for pursing the Chartered Accountancy Course. Passed CA final examination of Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI), New Delhi in November, 1974 and settled in Mumbai.
Founder partner of M/s Sarda & Pareek Chartered Accountants, Mumbai. He holds Diploma in Information System Audit (DISA), completed Certificate course on IFRS by ICAI and has also undertaken certificate course on Independent Directors by S.P.JAIN MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH INSTITUTE & BOMBAY CHARTERTED ACCOUNTANTA SOCIETY, Mumbai. He was a co-opted member on various committees of Western India Regional Council, ICAI New Delhi. Currently he heads the Business Consultancy Services Division of the firm and is having over 25 years of experience in Consultancy, Taxation, Statutory Audit of Companies and Non Profit making organizations.
He is on the board of various Companies and w.e.f. 6th February, 2017 has been appointed as Independent Director on the Board of Power Finance Corporation ( PFC) a Navratana Company of Government of India. He is also Board member of various Charitable Institutions including Keshav Sursti, Mumbai.
He joined as member of first Branch of BVP at Mumbai (Maharashtra) in the year 1985 inaugurated by Justice H.R. Khanna. During 1985 to 1992, worked in various capacities at branch level. In the year 1993, he was assigned the responsibility to open branches outside Mumbai. In the year 1994, the first branch outside Mumbai was opened by him at Pune (Maharashtra). During the period 1993 to 1998 he worked at Prant Level in various capacities.
From 1999 to 2008, worked as Zonal Convener, Zonal Organizing Secretary, All India Project Secretary for Trusts, Nominated member on Governing Board, National Convener Audit & Accounts, National Secretary Audit & Accounts.
During 2009-14 appointed as National Addl. Secretary General (Finance & Accounts); and thereafter National Controller of Accounts. Vikas Ratan Shri Sita Ram Pareek worked as National President from April 2014 to March 2018 and National Co-Ordinator from April 2018 to March, 2020.

Shri Pradyumna Kumar Jain
Born : 10th March 1951. After graduating in Sc. Maths, he completed CAIIB (both parts) during his service in Bank. He took V.R.S. from Bank of Baroda in 2006.
He has been active in social and cultural activities from his school days. He was President of Govt. College Baran during his studies. He was active in A.B.V.P. and also held various state level Dayitva in RSS.
He joined Bharat Vikas Parishad in year 1989 and in the same year opened its first branch in Kota. Thereafter he held various posts in Rajasthan, M.P. & Chhattisgarh where he mainly worked for organisation and expansion. He also worked in North East Region for one year and visited Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar and Jharkhand.
During 2014-18, he worked as National Vice President (Central) and also Vice President of Bharat Vikas Parishad Hospital, Kota and President of Madhav Nursing College, Kota.

Shri N. Doulatha Rao
N. Doulath Rao, B.Sc., CAIIB, Diploma in TD. Diploma in Labour Law, Diploma in Proficiency in Counselling
Born: 13th November,1952. Joined Canara Bank after graduation and after 25 years of service opted voluntary retirement in the year 2001. He worked as Manager Management Information Planning and Development Section and also as an Internal Auditor of the Bank. He has worked in association with various Socio-Cultural Organizations for the last 25 years holding key positions such as Chairman, B.K. Hostel, Governor Bhavsar Vision India, Trustee and Chairman, Mahalakshmi Mandir Management Committee etc,.
He has great passion for teaching and keen interest in the field of education. He was the School Correspondent of B.K High School Primary and Nursery Sections. He has been guest Faculty at All India Institute of Local Self-Govt. for the last 15 years. He was the Regional Director Bangalore Centre of the Institute for two terms. He has presented religious discourses at number of Temples and religious places in English, Kannada and Marati attracting large number of devotees. Recently, after being trained as Profossional Counseller, has opened a Counselling Center and also offer free counselling at Bhavasar Kshatriya Samaj twice a week to the needy persons.
Joined Bharat Vikas Parishad in the year 1986 as founder Secretary of Madurai branch. He has worked for the Bharat Vikas Parishad in various capacities as State Joint Secretary, State Treasurer, State President, Zonal Chairman, National Secretary, National Organizing Secretary and National Additional Secretary general. He is past National Chairman Yuva Sabhagithva and also working as Vice-Chairman BVP Charitable Trust Benagaluru. During 2014-18, he worked as National Vice President Bharat Vikas Parishad.
His wife Smt. Kantha Doulath Rao is also an active member of BVP.

Justice (Retd.) Vishnu Sadashiv Kokje
Born at village Dahi Tehsil Kukshi, District Dhar (MP) on 06th September 1939. Secondary Education Anand High School Dhar. Graduated in Mathematics, Statistics and Economics from Holkar College, Indore, 1961. LL. B from Govt. Arts & Commerce College, Indore, 1963. M.A. (Sociology) from Christian College, Indore. Started Law Practice in 1964 after enrolling with the Bar Council of Madhya Pradesh. Practiced for 26 years specialising in Labour & Industrial Law, Company Law, Civil Laws, Election Petitions, Writ Petitions etc. Appointed Judge, Madhya Pradesh High Court on 28th July 1990, worked as President, M.P. State Consumer Disputes redressal Commission in addition to duties as Judge of the High Court in 1992-94. Transferred to Rajasthan High Court in April 1994. Worked as Administrative Judge of Rajasthan High Court for 4 years. Acting Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court for over 11 months. Retired from Rajasthan High Court on 5th September 2001. Chaired the Commission of Enquiry into the death of Muni Lokendra Vijay up to 31st July 2002.
Appointed Governor of Himachal Pradesh on 8th May 2003. Laid down office of Governor on 19th July 2008.
At present engaged in social work along with practice as Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India. All India President of Bharat Vikas Parishad, New Delhi from April, 2012 to March 2014. All India Vice President of Forum of Integrated National Security, Mumbai.

Prof. Satya Prakash Tiwari
Born: 30th May,1941. Prof. Satya Prakash Tiwari is UGC Emeritus Fellow at Department of Physics Panjab University, Chandigarh. He is internationally known for his contributions to Transition Metal Physics. He was born and brought up in village Barauli, District Mainpuri in Uttar Pradesh. He obtained B.Sc. degree from Agra University and M.Sc. and D. Phil. degrees, from Allahabad University.
He has been Professor and Head of the Department of Physics and Dean Science Faculty at Punjab University Chandigarh, Research Fellow at Australian National University, Canberra, Chercheur Associe at CNRS, France; visiting Professor/Visiting Scientist at ESPCI and Universite Paris VI, University of Duisburg, Germany, ICTP Trieste, Italy, AERE Harwell, UK, Bell Laboratories and Oak Ridge National Laboratory USA. He has been Vice-Chancellor of Jiwaji University, Gwalior and recipient of several awards including Burse Joliot Curie, France, Higher Education and Development Award, New Delhi, Lifetime Achievement Award ITDC and Membership, Kendriya Hindi Samiti, Rajbhasha Vibhag, Govt. of India.
He published 5 Review articles and more than 200 original research papers in internationally reputed journals. He authored the book “Dynamics of Transition Metals and Alloys” (Nova Sc. Pub. Inc. N.Y. 1998) and Edited: (1) “Advances in Statistical Physics of Solids and Liquids” (John Wiley, N.Y. 1990) (2) “Disordered Materials”, (Narosa Pub., New Delhi, 2003) and (3) “Vision for Science Education in India: Physicists Views” (DK Publishers New Delhi 2012).
Worked as National Working President of the Parishad from April, 2012 to March 2014.

Dr. Rajendra Bahadur Srivastava
Born: 6th May, 1951. M.Com (Business Administration), PhD. He has 42 years experience of teaching B.Com and M.Com students in Feroze Gandhi P.G. College and has been Principal, Sri Mahavir Singh Degree College, Rae Bareli. He has authored five books and published many research papers in national and international journals. He has been recipient of many awards during his career.
Founder Secretary Rae Bareli Branch (1990). Held responsibilities at Branch, Prant and Zonal levels (1990-2002); National Secretary (2003-10), Additional Secretary General (2010-18); National Chairman-Bharat Ko Jano (2018-19). Currently, working as National Vice President (North Central – II Region) 2019-22.

Dr. Sinam Rajendra Singh
Born on 18th February, 1952 in a business family of Imphal. After doing schooling in Manipur, went to Pune (Maharashtra) for Pre-professional study. After that went to Kerala for Medical Study as an Indian Government Nominee. After Super Specialization in Urology, returned to Manipur in 1984 and served as a faculty in Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal till 2017 and retired as a HOD of Urology.
Has been active in social and cultural activities from his school days. Founder President of Bharat Vikas Parishad, Manipur in the year 1999. Served as National Vice President, NE Region of Bharat Vikas Parishad (2020-22)
Was executive member of Medical Council of India; Patron, Bharat Swabhiman Trust; Major Donor Rotary International; President Manipur Urological Society and Core Member ISKON.
Can read and write Manipuri, English, Hindi and Malayalam.

Shri Sachidananda Panda
Born: 3rd August,1950. M.Sc (Physics), MBA, CAIIB; Married to Niyati Panda on 11th March. Joined Banking service as Prob officer, worked for 36 years in various capacities all over India, retired as AGM.
Involved in various social works from student days. Supervised relief work on behalf of BVP in Odisha during the Super Cyclone in 1999 as State Gen Secretary. Since 2011, after retirement from bank, involved in honorary work for Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari in a hospital of Indian Oil Paradip Refinery Project at Paradip. In addition to providing health services to the company’s employees every year more than 100 health camps are organised in Rural areas under company’s CSR scheme under the supervision of V Kendra.
Joined BVP in 1993. Worked as National Finance Secretary from April 2014 to March 2018 and National Vice President (South) 2018-22.

Regional President North-II – Shri Vineet Garg
Born : 23rd December, 1972. Right from the student life, has been actively involved in social activities. Worked in the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) as the State Secretary and National Executive Committee member.
Graduated in Journalism & Mass Communication. After post-graduation, had a 20-year experience in the corporate field with Surya Roshni Limited in the capacity of the Deputy Managing Director. Has visited over 30+ countries for various seminars and workshops.
Has been an active member of Bharat Vikas Parishad (BVP) since 2000. Has held different designations and responsibilities. Currently serving as the National Vice President since 2020. Earlier served as:
• National Additional Secretary General
• Vice Chairman, National Group Song Competition.
• National Secretary, National Group Song Competition.
• National Convenor, Sanskar Projects.

Regional President – Central – Shri Arvind Bandi
Born: 10th May, 1956. Science graduate and post graduate in Economics from Indore. Director, Jayant Marketing Private Limited, Indore.
Has been active in social and cultural activities from his school days and worked in various capacities. Has been associated with Vidya Bharti as member of its State Working Committee. Government of Madhya Pradesh appointed him Director in Board of Secondary Education Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal from 2005 to 2013 ( 8 years ) and worked successfully in Executive committee and Examination committee of the Board.Was President of Indore Paper Traders Association for so many years and was All India Vice President in Federation of Paper Traders Association of India, Mumbai.
In, Bharat Vikas Parishad was founder President of Indore Main (Tilak) branch in 1993. Was founder State President and then Prantiya Patron. In the year 2018 he was nominated as National Secretary in Central Region and National Vice President (Central) 2019-22. Presently working as Regional President-Central.

Shri Ishwar Datt Ojha
Born: 25th June,1940. He had schooling at Samrala (Punjab). Thereafter, studied at Anglo-Sanskrit P.G. College, Khanna (Punjab). Took active part in extracurricular activities & sports throughout, winning several prizes. Retired as Under-Secretary from the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. Widely travelled he possesses a rich experience of various cultures of Indian and foreign soils.
Joined the Parishad in the year 1983 as Founder Secretary, Janakpuri Branch, New Delhi. Worked in various capacities at Delhi State level including three terms as General Secretary. During 2000-02 and again 2002-04 was assigned the responsibility of National Secretary (Sanskar Projects) and National Addl. Secretary General respectively. During 2004-08, he served the organisation as its National Secretary General as full-timer for the Parishad. National Working President from April, 2008 to March 2012.

Shri Ravindra Pal Sharma
He graduated as Engineer in Telecommunications and did his post graduation in Business Administration. Joined Department of Telephones as ASDE and retired in 1998 as Director, Telecom (Govt. of India). Nation-wide PCO facility could become possible by his sincere efforts and farsightedness.
Joined Bharat Vikas Parishad Parivar in 1984 and remained Organising Secretary – Maharashtra State for five years. He was also All India Additional Secretary General. Working full time, he was National Secretary General from 2000 to 2004 and National Working President from 2004 to 2008. National President from April, 2008 to March 2012.

Dr. Kanhaiya Lal Gupta
Born : 25th December, 1948. He had a brilliant academic career and topped Agra University in B.Com. (1965), M.Com. (1967) and M.A. (Eco.) in 1970. He was awarded the Degree of Ph.D. in Commerce in 1978 and D.Litt. in Business Administration in 1993. He had 47 years experience to his credit of teaching Degree & P.G. classes in Commerce and Management (including Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University). He also worked as Principal of S.V. College, Aligarh; Dean, Faculty of Commerce, Agra University and Director, School of Management, IIMT, Aligarh. He authored about 38 books and so far 31 research scholars have obtained the Degree of Ph.D. under his able supervision. He was also Patron of two reputed international Journals, namely ‘Asian Journal of Research in Social Science & Humanities’ and ‘Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management’.