Youth Mobilisation in the Service of our Motherland
– S.K.Verma, IFS (Retd.)

India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Talking of India’s youth, well, they’ve woken up in a big way! Their increasing participation in public life and their rising levels of awareness is a very good sign. But this is seen only in the urban youth of India. The youth of this country is emerging, following in the same pathway as the rest of the nation, from the
accumulated effects of our historical burden, to a shared vision of becoming the ‘super power’ to lead the humanity. The future of India lies largely in the hands of children and youth. Every youth is potentially source of powerful energy. If the youth is strong the country is strong. We cannot and should not overlook the inquisitiveness of youth about what’s happening in the world around them. Harnessing the talent and energy of youth will be the positive direction can make our country a better place to live. Hence we must move ‘Towards a policy for Young Adults’ and take a first step of youth mobilization initiative. Let’s be optimistic! The future belongs to us and definitely we’ll make our motherland great! And leave a lasting legacy for future generations.
Based on the last population census conducted, the nation’s population is predominantly young i.e. one out of every four Indian is under 25 years of age. This puts the youth population at more than 55% of the total population. We see the youth of the country as a catalyst to propel the concept of league cricket in India. Young persons can be defined as ‘ a youth is someone between the ages of 18 and 35. ‘In the corporate world and record making achievements, the age slab can be between the ages of 18 and 45. This is the time of life when one is young, especially the period between childhood and maturity or the early period of existence, growth, or development. Today’s children are tomorrow’s citizens. Let us consider the three groups (a) Students in Secondary, Higher Secondary Schools and Universities; (b) Youth in specialized institutions and social organizations and (c) Youth in BVP organization, especially from Yuva Branches.
In our country, we have tremendous intellectual capital — our people. We have among the world’s best brains. But due to our rising population and lack of initiatives, we are not able to move forward fast enough. BVP social mission is to consistently and constantly evolve and improve in quality. During last four decades we have taken the first steps of consolidation and multi-faceted development of BVP. But this journey towards our cherished goals is yet not over. The aspirations and dreams of our people are yet to be fulfilled, and for this we shall continue to march forward ever and backward never. The ‘BVP Vision-2013’ anticipates 20 percent rise in number of membership but the basic question is whether we have to achieve the targets in numbers or we wish to make a qualitative change, which conforms to the aspirations / expectations and life style of youth to achieve aims and objectives of BVP. We take the initiative to mobilise them for the consolidation of people’s power! Let us pledge, most importantly, to the youth our most sincere commitment to continue to champion their interests.
In fact the BVP organisation has to be, consistently and constantly, an agent of change, not only change from an old outline but also to embrace modern technology and concepts in the organisation and to induce youth to join the mission of the organisation. BVP has always believed in the spirit of giving and caring for people, in helping restore their dignity and self-esteem of fellow citizens. Time has come when we would like to expand our horizons through innovations and mobilise youth in the prevailing demographic scenario of the country.
Mobilisation of youth should be aimed at re-inventing oneself as Yuva Darshan through a holistic approach that gives physical, mental, psychological and spiritual boost to his or her personality. In one word it is “learning while enjoying” from one or multifarious activities of BVP. We have many experts in various fields to share their lifetime experience with the youth. Such a move will transform his / her life into a memorable one that fulfils their dreams. This is a first step of youth mobilization initiative. Through this we would be supporting and encouraging various youth ventures like inter–collegiate festivals, events, workshops, seminars, etc in association with various educational institutions across the country”.
We aim at transforming every youth to be a leader in his / her fields imbibe the concept of Rashtra Devo Bhav and share the talent with others for Bharat Vikas Parishad. Bhagvad Gita dictum is ”The way an ideal leader performs, behaves, conducts himself, faces the challenges in life, common men follow him. Whatever standards such an ideal leader sets by his exemplary acts, the whole world pursues them’. With this as the main theme all members below 45 years and those who have the ‘esprit de corps’ or – the spirit of comradeship, vigor, enthusiasm, vivacity, courage, and loyalty to the organisation etc. devotion of the organisation to a cause of effectiveness of youth mobilisation that makes the members desire to succeed.
Our glorious record of projects of ‘Sewa’ and ‘Sanskar’, are not simply an end in itself, but these must result also in the larger good of society. BVP aim is to offer par excellence delivery in the nurturing, transformation and empowerment of youths for nation building. We are basically trying to mobilize the youth for the social commitment of BVP for the future of our motherland. Though a holistic approach, Bharat Vikas Parishad can provide a suitable working arena that gives physical, mental, psychological and spiritual boost to his or her personality. It is therefore vital that we share with our youth and students, the importance of India’s rich and diverse cultural heritage and value systems so that they are able to understand it and can tap the wisdom of our forefathers to improve life today. In addition we may introduce them to the cherished ideals and projects that can be of interest to them. We cannot and should not overlook the inquisitiveness of youth about what’s happening in the world around them.
Conceptualization of the Youth Forum
The BVP must spell out a vision and program of how we can prepare younger generations to be worthy citizens of our country, our continent and the world. We must elaborate a strategic project of how to build a glorious future tailored to the needs of the greatest majority of our people. In our march forward, we must always remember that our ideal is Swami Vivekananda and hence we should constantly get inspiration from him and other great persons. Let us prove that our commitment to this organisation is as deep as that of those that founded it. Let the new generations gradually imbibe the spirit of BVP, especially for the poor and pledge their support, loyalty and respect to development of motherland.
Together, we symbolize the collective journey that all of us are traversing from the past to the present of peace, democracy and development. In a bid to expand the base of the BVP, some path-breaking initiatives/ campaign of youth mobilisation in BVP will have to be taken. One may say it is planning for a youth-connect-program (YCP). For the same, BVP wishes to launch a youth mobilisation initiative that aims to popularize the concept of vibrant nationality amongst the youth of the country. We have to involve all stakeholders such as religious leaders, women, Resource persons from other like -minded NGOs and youth leaders to help us in bringing young people to the BVP forum and to gain access to the information and services available at BVP. It could create a path that takes India from a uni-polar traditional nation into a multi-polar super power. We would like to empower young people with life skills to help them achieve their dreams, think critically, negotiate risky situations, and express themselves freely
Objectives of youth mobilisation or Youth-connect-programme
The main objectives of the mobilisation of youth or Youth-connect-program (YCP) are:
(i) BVP aim is to offer par excellence delivery in the nurturing, transformation and empowerment of youths for nation building.
(ii) Encourage and support a holistic approach towards youth for ‘re-inventing oneself as Yuva Darshan’ through that gives physical, mental, psychological and spiritual boost to his or her personality.
(iii) Encourage and support active participation of youth in the process of socially valuable and nation building activities and development of personality of the youth.
(iv) Undertake incentive-based programmes for youth, which will be associated with their exposures to various activities of ‘Sewa’ and ‘Sanskar’ Projects.
(v) Recognize the activities and contributions made by youth in various fields of national development; so that youth having regard to its preferences and needs, may choose from among various options when it wishes to fulfill its intellectual urges and aspirations;
(vi) Promote a spirit of national integration, unity in diversity, pride in being Indian among the youth of different parts of the country and to induce a sense of communal harmony amongst the youth; and
(vii) Enable the youth to receive education and knowledge about Indian culture, freedom struggle, Constitution of India, five-year plans, schemes for weaker sections, protection of heritage and environment, population impacts. Thus, we have to find how BVP can increase the opportunities for youth through creating a passion amongst youth for a social change and to present a spirit of entrepreneurship for the social change in the true spirit of nationalism as envisaged by Swami Vivekanand.
(viii) To provide Social Entrepreneurship to Youth through an exposure of realities of life in urban and semi-rural areas and to sharpen the skills of rapport formation, situational analysis and awareness generation in the community.
(ix) To promote group activity amongst students in senior secondary /college/university/management institutes to focus on the nationalism and other salient issues of the country.
Youth-connect-program (YCP)
BVP aim is to offer par excellence delivery in the nurturing, transformation and empowerment of youths for nation building. For sustainability of youth-connect-program (YCP), it is important for our organisation to initiate steps an information-sharing community oriented education, participation and involvement of all stakeholders. It is suggested to:
- First identify and set up a communication network with youth organizations in each region of the country.
- Motivate youth groups, family units and individual young people to be productively involved in economic, social and political activities in their communities.
- Establish a ‘Forum for youth and Students’ in each Prant of BVP to develop organizational and leadership skills and qualities, democratic attitude and competence required for sharing of responsibilities through skills to practice national integration, social harmony and in mobilizing community participation to meet emergencies and natural disasters and to sharpen the skill of group activity and to initiate the development of attitudes conducive for effective team work.
- Establish Youth Centres at selected Branch of BVP with office building: These centers with newspaper, magazines, library books, game materials etc. will attract youth, students and responsible citizens.
- Involve youth in problem-solving process with a sense of social and civic responsibility after identifying the needs and problems of the society and to utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems.
- Encourage and provide opportunities to young people to participate meaningfully in issues of national integration and development. Involve youth to over see and serve as a Volunteer in the activities of Projects of Yuva Sanskar, Environment, Health, IRD Project of BVP-Jindal Foundation and NGSC, BKJ, GVCA.
- Enrolment of potentially useful youth members in BVP and arrange Orientation Programs and extension lectures covering topics such as BVP Projects (Seva & Sanskar, Permanent, Integrated Rural Development Projects, home economics, health care, banking etc. to improve the level of general awareness of new youth members.
- Align with the traditional events to synergise the activities of youth to promote the activities on a more vibrant platform with its in-depth expertise.
- Establish youth related mechanism to work with monitoring committees of BVP to ensure that youth specific indicators are being implemented and track level of success of the development of young people. No matter our age, gender, occupation, education level, or station in life – each of us touches and influences other lives – each of us is a leader to someone.
- Provide educational support to youth, especially girls, handicapped, underprivileged students and other marginalized groups and to promote technology-based youth participation activities.
- Assist under-privileged, in procurement of Micro Finance to enable them in getting affordable information for higher education and /or starting the entrepreneurship more accessible.
Youth Activities
To enthuse young generation we may plan activities for three categories. Based on general consensus and experience the ‘activity module’ will gradually develop. A proposed Plan of activities is shown below:
(a) Students in Secondary, Higher Secondary Schools
• Follow up programme of selected prize winning students & Teachers in educational institutions viz. NGSC
BKJ, GVCA, Bal Sanskar Camps & get feedback of their progress.
• Invite them to events of BVP.
• ‘Bal Gokulam’ – Adopt 5 educational institutions of all BVP Zones. Constitute a Group of 50 selected students
and 1 or 2 Teachers (with a background of NSS or Scouts & Guides, Initiate conservation and awareness
activities of environment and cultural heritage.
• Encourage students and youth to participate more meaningfully with their communities in all aspects of
development in order to raise standards of living in their respective communities.
• Organise Personality Development Camps.
• Youth Festivals for students. (Refer to the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India for
assistance of equipments including Speed Boat to conduct these activities).
• Organize events of Adventure Sports and Traditional and modern games especially Mountaineering
activities viz. Trekking, Rock climbing, River Rafting, Canoeing & Kayaking, Para Sailing, Hang Gliding etc.
refer to the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India).
• Organize Traditional cultural shows of all regions. Competitions, Rallies and Camp Fires.
• Visits to Biological Park, Gardens, Heritage sites & Sanctuaries
• Organise Campfires to strengthen the bond between mature / seniors and the youth. with narration of heroic deeds of the freedom fighters and outstanding personals will take place.
• Set up a ‘Creativity corner’ where students and youth will display their creative works as creativity is one of
the major accelerators of development.
• Organize Seminars, Workshops narrations, discussions and other similar activities and events of games. Will
help the youth to know more about the past and identify what is needed from them at the moment
• Identify and nurture talented youngsters in the society and within the organisation. The youth so selected
ought to be recognised in helping restore their dignity and self-esteem of the people.
• Promote group activity amongst students in senior secondary/college / university/ management institutes to
focus on the nationalism and other salient issues of the country.
• Promote Inter-Zone / Prant Youth Exchange Programmes (every year) & / or families to different regions of
India and arranging stay with families of members of BVP to understand & share marked cultural specialities of different regions of India and arranging stay with families of BVP.
• BVP Youth Award: to give recognition to outstanding youth workers and voluntary youth organizations
engaged in the field of youth welfare activities.
(b) Youth in specialized institutions and social organizations
• Invite them to different events of BVP. – Prepare Forms of Feedback & suggestions. – Recognise the local
talents and give awards. – Organise visits to Projects of Yuva Sanskar, Environment, Health, IRD Project of
BVP-Jindal Foundation and NGSC, BKJ, GVCA,.
• Prepare Forms for suggestions for activities that will be of value for ‘re-inventing oneself’ that gives physical,
mental, psychological and spiritual boost to his or her personality.
• Organise events to synergise the activities of youth to promote the activities on a more vibrant platform with
its in-depth expertise
• Organise Personality Development Camps.
• Youth Festivals – Organize Cultural programmes, Competitions, Youth Festivals
• Organize Cultural programmes, Competitions,
• Organize events of Sports and Traditional and modern Games especially Adventure Sports , trekking, Rock Climbing, Para Gliding, Safaries etc. through organised groups (Clubs)
• Organise Campfires- to strengthen the bond between mature / seniors and the youth with narration of heroic
deeds of the freedom fighters and outstanding personals will take place.
• Set up a ‘Creativity corner’ where students and youth will display their creative works as creativity is one of
the major accelerators of development.
• Organize Seminars, Workshops narrations, discussions and other similar activities and events of games. will
help the youth to know more about the past and identify what is needed from them at the moment.
• Organize visits to Biological Park, Gardens, Heritage sites & Sanctuaries
• Set up Discussion Forum to address the role of the youth in ‘succession’
• Convene Training of Trainers, aimed at developing training skills, material development and curriculum
among the student trainers so that their resources could be utilized for conducting workshops among other
students and later on in the community.
• Provide Social Entrepreneurship to Youth through an exposure of realities of life in urban and semi-rural
areas and to sharpen the skills of rapport formation, situational analysis and awareness generation in the
(c) Youth in BVP organization, especially Yuva Branches
• Establishment of the a Forum for youth and Students in each Prant of BVP Identify and nurture talented
youth within the organisation.
• Include them in committees / meetings on deciding issues related with future policies, projects, and national
• Engage youth as professionals and not just as recipients of agendas in a meeting.
• Organise events to synergise the activities of youth to promote the activities on a more vibrant platform with
its in-depth expertise.
• Organise Personality Development Camps.
• Youth Festivals: Organize Seminars, Workshops narrations, discussions and other similar activities and
events of games. will help the youth to know more about the past and identify what is needed from them at
the moment.
• Organize Cultural programmes, Competitions,
• Organize visits to Nature Parks, Wildlife Sanctuary, Hill Station, Biological Parks Museum Heritage sites, Gardens etc.
• Organise Campfires- to strengthen the bond between mature / seniors and the youth with narration of heroic
deeds of the freedom fighters and outstanding personals will take place.
• Set up a ‘Creativity corner’ where members will display their creative works.
• BVP Youth Award: to give recognition to outstanding youth workers and voluntary youth organizations
engaged in the field of youth welfare activities.
• Initiate conservation and awareness activities of environment and cultural heritage.
• Set up Discussion Forum to address the role of the youth in ‘succession’
• Convene Training of Trainers, aimed at developing training skills, material development and curriculum
among the student trainers so that their resources could be utilized for conducting workshops among other
students and later on in the community.
• Promote Inter-Zone / Prant Exchange of families of members of BVP to different regions of India to
understand & share marked cultural specialities of different regions of India and arranging stay with families
of BVP.
Organise Special Camps of Community education programme to make the community conscious for communities on matters of immediate concerns viz. ‘ Future Sustainable Water ‘ by reducing wasteful water use for cleaning, washing and bathing. Environmental Protection Youth Groups and Women’s Groups to help ordinary people to become aware on major social issues. Groups can act as effective catalyst to help in conservation of water, what is perhaps the 21st century’s most precious commodity.Show concern about the trend towards water privatisation. persuade to conserve water by installing water-efficient appliances and toilets, recycle water from washing machines and use drip irrigation in their gardens, to agree to an audit of their household’s water use, which includes the efficiency of each household’s water-using appliances, measures tap flow, to check wastage and provides tips on how to regulate water use and help residents pay for the big and small changes required – for example, installing effective showerheads, dual-flush toilets, rainwater tanks or grey-water recycling systems for gardens.